Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I guess it is about time, huh?

Wow, well what to blog about now. It is not like we have that much to report....well okay we actually do have quite a bit to report.
Jon and I are expecting our first bundle of joy mid-October. We could not be more excited. The pregnancy is progressing great!
Jon and I decided before our first trip to Europe in September that it was our last "hurrah" before we settled down and started a family. I took myself off of birth control in September and let nature take it's course. I must admit I wanted it to happen sooner than later, and was getting a bit discouraged over the course of time.
Our persistence finally pulled off and after being extremely tired and a bit sick for a weeks time, I took a pregnancy test and could not believe my eyes! I had taken so many negative tests that when this test came out positive I was astonished and looked at it 20 times in disbelief. Unfortunately I let curiosity kill the cat and I took the test at 5:00pm and Jon was not home till after midnight. He had to be the first that I told, and I knew I would not be able to hold it back from my family that I had to tell him at work. He said he already knew because I had made a peanut butter and banana sandwich and got sick off of it.
Well needless to say the next few weeks my mind was filled with fear and joy. We headed to see Erin, David, Noah, Noelle and Victoria in Germany for a bit and had an amazing time, I will write another blog about our trip out there and to Prague. The morning after we got back I had a drs. appointment and there they confirmed my test and I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. They also did an ultrasound and we got to see the sac and the heartbeat. I was also tested for the genetic mutation that my sister Erin was diagnosed with to see if I could continue on with our Dr or if I had to switch to a high-risk facility. No genetic mutation for me and we were able to stick with our dr, whom I love!
Then came the fun time of sickness!! Man, did I get a bad spell of it. I ended up dropping 15 pounds total and could hardly keep anything down. Work was not fun with all the smells! I slept and slept and slept!!! All I did was get up from bed go to work, school and then back home and into bed! At exactly 13 weeks the end of the first trimester, I started to get a bit of energy back and an appetite! However, we were notified of a higher risk of having a baby with downs syndrome due to my age. The same week we heard this I came down with a bad cold and sinus infection, and for those of you who know me, I never get sick! On top of that I started bleeding, so we headed to the doctors after three days of bleeding, had another ultrasound, got to hear and see everything and all was okay. They do not know why I was bleeding, and on a precautionary level the gave me a Rogam shot as I am O-negative. Jon says he is too, but we need confirmation on that. The following Monday we had an extensive ultrasound to look more into the downs syndrome. I am about 15 weeks in these ultrasound pics.

After this ultrasound our chances went from 1:500 to 1:10,000. Huge change!! Since this change things have been gong great! Energy is growing and so am I! I am about 20 weeks in this picture. No hiding it now!! It really popped out this last week! I didn't want to find out the sex, but Jon does and after doing research there is not much out there that is not gender specific so I guess Jon gets his wishes fulfilled. We find out June 3, what we are having. Which the closer it gets the more excited I am.

Okay, now that the big news is actually posted not much more is happening. Next week if my last week of classes and then off for two and then summer school!!! Sunday is Jon's birthday!! He will be the big 31! We are also working on reorganizing the garage in an attempt to partition a portion of it off to be dry walled, insulated and heated to be turned into Jon's music area since he is loosing his room to the baby :( Poor Jon, being booted out to the garage.

I have made a pact to keep this blog updated as I now have lots to update with!! I am so excited about what the future holds and cannot wait for the progression!!!

Thanks for taking the time to read this long and overdue update!