Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's a girl!!!

Well folks, another update!!! Two in less then a month, shocking I know huh! Well there is a lot to be updating on now!!

Jon and I had our big ultrasound on June 3, at 21 weeks. As you all know I was against finding out the sex but Jon wanted to. I caved in after doing some shopping and looking around, everything is so gender specific now, that I realized for the sake of not waiting for the last minute to get everything, we would find out.

Before the ultrasound started Jon made me practice my it's a girl faces, we both wanted a boy and felt that since the last 4 out of 5 babies on both sides combined were girls we were due for a boy. All the dreams I had were about boys, and I guess I had my heart set on having a boy.

So now the time comes for the ultrasound and of course the gender is the last thing that is announced. The ultrasound tech that we had was awesome, he joked and joked and gave us lots of pictures!!! He really pointed out a lot which was amazing in itself to think this mini person is growing inside of me.

This is his favorite picture to always take, he called it the alien pose, she does look like it though.

Then some profile pictures which really turned out great, you can see the spine and the profile really clear!

Then came time for the announcement of the gender. Of course at the beginning he let us know of the chances of if it's a boy it clearly a boy and if it's a girl to make sure we have a boys name just in case. He asked us if we had a preference and of course we said we would love whatever it was but our families were due for a boy. Well he said sorry to disappoint but it looks like a girl. During the whole time she was moving around and kicking which confirmed that that was what I was feeling was her moving and kicking. So with that, he said he looked 5 or 6 times and each time nothing was in between the legs so he was pretty positive it is a girl.
She will definetly be one spoiled little girl and we are already discussing all the things we are going to do with her!! Knowing her sex really does make the connection much stronger.
We already had a girls named picked but hadn't discussed the spelling, we decided on Izabella Maria. Spelling it with a "z" is a bit different. Isabella is one of the most picked names right now but I have loved that name since I was a little girl and have always vowed to name my little girl that. Maria is my Oma's name and would love to honor her by giving my child her name.
Now the fun part, and decorating!!
Jon and I head off to San Diego at the end of the month and when we come back it will be decorating and decorating! I cannot wait!
Thanks for reading again and I can't wait to post pics of the nursery!

1 comment:

The Jeffries said...

I am so happy for you and Jon!!! The ultrasound pics are great!!!! It is funny to see the gender arrow pointing to!!!! I can't wait to meet my new niece she is going to be beautiful!!!!!!